The Embodied Practices Course was a lovely experience for me. I loved being in such deeply sacred and caring conversations with people. Here's some of the feedback people gave me about the Course.
Dear Deirdre-
Thanks for your very thoughtful responses to my lengthy rambling. I appreciate the insight and great care with which you respond. I appreciate being “gotten” in this way as so much of the burden of the depression and dark parts is feeling so isolated with it. The blog helps me feel more connected as others share their difficult experiences so we know we are not so alone with it. Much to ponder and be grateful for.
As for the course. You did share a lot of information with us—but I don’t think it would be accurate to say it was “too much.” I imagine we are a group with varied experience and backgrounds so the offering would need to be wide so each of us could potentially find a place to land. It has only been 6 weeks! I love that we have the audios to return to time and again. Each time I listen I hear something new and sometimes I can take in a bit more each time.
I have so appreciated your willingness to respond to us on the blog. I can only imagine how time-consuming it is. Thank you for your generosity of spirit
Then working with offering that sadness kindness and warmth gave me something I could actually do. ….My initial reaction was to phone somewhere for some support. However staying with the sensation and keeping listening to the audio helped me to realise that I was not helpless, and I had a choice to act by bringing in thoughts of kindness.
I am so grateful for you …… because I now know that others are out there feeling similar things, working with the same practises. It makes it a less lonely journey.
I have been away for most of the course and so haven’t been able to participate fully in the blog. I have downloaded the audios and been working up to week 4 so far. I find them extremely helpful and find I am deepening my mindfull awareness practice through the sessions.
Thank you for your all of your thoughtfulness that does go into these, Deirdre. I appreciate greatly all that you have invested in developing these practices and supporting our journey
Dear Deidre,
I have received great benefit from all the practices. I have felt like I have truly turned a corner toward healing and peace
Your cues are helpful. I like your “welcome breath” image – I find that a very nice opening and I like the idea of breathing from
the heart and to keep coming back to that to stay focused and loving. this is the work that I came here to do and I am happy to be struggling along to learn it.
From a grateful person
Thank you Deirdre for what you share with us, but the one response you made to the blog when the first poster shared her anger when even thinking about bringing kind awareness to her anguish. You said simply, “Bless your heart.”
That is powerful medicine. Sometimes we need to hear it from someone else when we can’t do it for ourselves.
Thank you. May all our hearts be blessed–
What I’m learning is that there is no magic answer- but there is this beautiful practice -available to me for the rest of my life. I have had great experiences and insights while practicing and I actually felt Hooray! I finally made it.
When I don’t do the things that I know will help me I must remind myself that I’m setting myself up for the familiar struggle once again. So with love, kindness and respect for ME I’ll remind myself of the practice and know I’m not a failure because I didn’t keep the blissful state, that returning to anxiety is part of life and now I have the tools to work with it in a loving way.
I have so much respect for you and your work and the path we are on together.
Thank you Deirdre
I’ve learned how to sooth this part- something I did not receive growing up. These practices are an added resource for this.
Hi Deirdre
I am enjoying the audios so much!!!
The program was amazing and I see myself listening to the audios over and over again.
Thank You!
Our five weeks passed quickly Each Friday I eagerly awaited our next lessons—even if I felt I wasn’t always able to do as you invited –or what some part of me thought I should. Thank you so much for keeping the embodied practices program and blog open. I like knowing I can return to the audios at any time and I love hearing what others have to say and your responses. It helps knowing we are all on the path together.
Having got through it and still alive however, I've felt stronger and as though something had changed. Next day of course, the outside world is still there and soon starts to impact again.
Nevertheless it felt each time as if a small step towards becoming more detached from whatever was so troubling had been made for me.
At best I can say that afterwards things I normally find hard to deal with seem easier and I can sometimes sense a kind of distancing
from them. This can accompany a feeling of perhaps being more in control and therefore more open to what is going on around. Any expansive feelings have for me tended to come from other circumstances producing a change mood which makes the world appear briefly a brighter place, often short lived and illusory though they may be
I can only think it is because you have been unflinchingly understanding and supportive that I was able to express all this. Your reply came as a great relief.
The day after I wrote, I listened to the last two audios and could not have been more astonished, mainly at the way they seemed to go some way towards answering the question I'd posed at the end. After the second one, I felt remarkably calm and peaceful even the first time I played it. And this was despite feeling on the periphery, yet included too …rather like an observer of something that I'm not priviledged to be part of. I have problems with some of the words and concepts but strangely, it hardly seemed to matter and I know shall really value these recordings.
Is this really the last week of the practices?? It came up quickly! Although I haven't emailed you much, I hope you don't take that as meaning I haven't been working daily on using and integrating the practices into daily life. I have continued to be faithful to the exercise of finding your core and am quietly and patiently being curious about feeling the energy inside. I have faith that there will be some discovery of this inner energy if I keep working at it. I feel it is an important practice for me and would like to continue to develp this capacity within. I know I feel more peaceful in general and have thoroughly appreciated your input to fellow seekers and to myself. You are such an accepting, warm light and have offered wonderful guidance. Thank you!