29 May RESET: Making changes in life

There are times we want to change
and yet it's often not that comfortable
taking the steps out of our comfort zone…..
You're probably like me, and like so many of us, who have felt an urge or a drive to do something different, maybe even feel compelled to do something, to follow a dream.
I've had it many times – and changed my life in the process.
Certainly, this also happens in our healing process. We want to change. We want to heal….
And yet what can so often happen is we find ourselves hesitating or stopping ourselves from taking the steps to live the life long for.
It could also be that life is forcing a change on us. At those times we have to adapt even if we don't want to. Sometimes we make the change(s) but put up a big fuss.
There has to be an easier way!
Bill O'Hanlon is a master at dealing with change, in reinventing himself over and over again. He sent me a video series he's created on being with the change process.
As I watched his video I thought you might be interested in seeing his free video series RESET, exploring this BIG subject.
Having taken a number of courses with him in the past I always find Bill reflective, thoughtful, insightful and funny! I always learn from him. Plus, it's free.
Here's the link to opt into the free video series. Enjoy!