21 Nov On-line Auction to Support Children in Uganda
Hugo Kamya is a therapist whose office is down the hall from me. Beyond that simple statement, however, is a life of incredible diversity and commitment to helping children. Hugo was born and raised in Uganda where his family still lives. As a professor of social work, Hugo has been taking social work students to Uganda for years to help in the orphanages that his family started. As part of his efforts to help childrenin Uganda whose parents have HIV or have died of HIV Hugo started the Makula Fund for Children.
The Makula Fund for Children is running its first on-line auction to raise money for school fees, medical care, and its breakfast program for children orphaned by AIDS in Uganda.
To participate in the online auction please email makulafund@biddingforgood.org The auction opens on November 25, 2011 and will close on December 8, 2011.
To find out more about the Makula Fund for Children click here. At the moment they are in dire need of mosquito nets to decrease the malaria that has been infecting children while they sleep.