20 Jun Taking a Moment
A few unexpected hours opened up for me this morning. I decided to take a ride on my bike to contemplate an email I had to write. I was churning inside, activated about what I had to say, how to say it. I wanted to speak as clearly as I could without leaking all the charge that I was holding.
The opening in my schedule gave me a chance to do something different. Instead of sitting down to compose a note I went for a bike ride!
Oh, the freedom of that! I pushed and moved through the hot, humid air, driving myself a little, wanting to use my muscles, deal with the annoyance through physical sensation rather than sparring on email.
After a good 45 minutes I arrived in Lexington Center (above) the hometown of the American Revolution. As I was filling my water bottle I saw the park above with all the empty benches. With no time pressure I went over and sat down.
How often do I do something as simple and easy as that. Take a moment to breathe. To be quiet. To do nothing. I didn't look at my phone, instead watching the older woman (older than me anyway) wait for the bus, watching the young girl read her book, watching the birds flutter and tweet.
I looked at my watch thinking 20-30 minutes had passed. No. Only 5. Yet I was refreshed, relaxed, no longer churning.
How many times do I have to learn this lesson!
Let go of the churning story, go and do something restful, relaxing, or even something different. Do something physical that moves the energy. Then see how I'm doing.
What about you?
How do you deal with emotional charge? What helps you?