11 Jul Loving Your Broken Heart: Embodying Secure Attachment [Scotland – Sept 21-22, 2012]
Research shows that 1-4 of us has a secure attachment. What happens to the other 3 out of 4 of us? Many of us are lucky to have had friends, mentors, coaches, other family members, therapists who have helped us gain an earned secure attachment. Without that reparative experience we are plagued by attachment patterns of aloneness, despair, worthlessness.
Robert Karen wrote in his book Becoming Attached: First Relationships and How They Shape Our Capacity to Love that attachment theory is “a theory of love and love's central place in human life.” Using the current thinking on attachment this workshop will explore how to repair the deep attachment wounds especially as they center around needs and vulnerability.
Knowing that attachment wounding happens before narrative memory develops, and shame is completely embedded in excruciating physical sensations we'll look at how cultivating positive qualities nourishes our non-verbal, internal ground of being making it possible to heal the painful wounds of dismissive or anxious attachment.
Combining a body-based experiential approach with developing organization of mind allows a person to become free of the crippling intrusions of the past.
This experiential workshop focuses on developing the positive qualities that allow secure attachment to grow. In the context of creating a safe, secure base together we'll spend time cultivating the fundamental underpinnings that allow our defenses to soften. With the gentle relaxation of defenses we can explore how to actively re-map the non-verbally embedded attachment patterns that have haunted us and guide us to a more satisfying and nurturing life of connection to ourselves and to others.