Beautiful people do not just happen. ~Elisabeth Kubler Ross

Beautiful people do not just happen. ~Elisabeth Kubler Ross

Elisabeth Kubler Ross Foundation

One of the greatest, most wonderful things about being a therapist is the extraordinary window we have — that I get to have — seeing individuals flower from within.  Today I received this inspirational quote from one of my dear clients who I have been privileged to walk through some painful life circumstances.

I'm appreciating on this Jewish New Year the strength and commitment it takes for anyone to walk through the tough spots of life, believing in something ineffable, trusting somehow that something will emerge from the devastation.

Thank you, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross for the gift of your spirit and all that you gave us from the depths of your  life.  To read more about the wide ranging gifts of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross visit her foundation's website.

Blessings to all who celebrate the Jewish New Year.