30 Nov It’s not just about sitting still….
As we slow down we begin to see into and through the illusions that arise from our combining of thoughts, feelings, and sensations into a story.
Problem is, though, those stories are born out of our previous experiences.
Basically: we re-create what we already know.
It’s what we talk about in psychotherapy as re-enactments. Or the repetition compulsion.
We cycle through these repeat experiences hoping the outcome will be different this time.
Only… it rarely (rarely) is.
In the meditation traditions there’s an awareness that we practice sitting meditation.
Then we practice between meditations.
In other words, all of life is a practice.
If we’re lucky, while in sitting meditation practice, we have a glimpse of how we’re taking phenomena and solidifying it into “reality” – our task is to develop an ongoing practice.
When (I was going to write “if” then realized for most of us it’s really “when” (lol)) things get intense, it’s the time to bring mindfulness: naming what’s happening. Reminding ourselves that we’re getting caught in the old loop.
Take a breath.
And look for what’s not part of the old, opening to something new. Even if it seems like there’s nothing there.
Keep open.
And allow in something new.
Expect something new.
And then be surprised – and delighted – when something new opens up.
…..course… it might take some time….
so we have to add in a bit of trust.
and patience.