Do you bathe your heart?

Do you bathe your heart?

When I get in a cleaning mode, I swirl around, wiping away dust, rubbing away crud, vacuuming, spraying mirrors – giving my home some TLC.

But how often do I clean the windows of my heart?

How often do I take the time to drench my heart with the light of love so the warmth of kindness can flow in?

More often I don't realize how the clarity of my vision is obscured by past hurts and patterns.

I stretch my body but am I willing, and able, to stretch my heart's capacity to hold even more love?

Bear even more compassion?

What about those times when I petulantly refuse to dust off old hurts so more goodness can arrive?

This is an inquiry of many of my meditations where I take the time to clear the cobwebs of my heart, release sticky moments, and remind my heart that it’s safe to open.

It’s when I bathe my heart.  

It’s one of the meditations I lead when I’m with a live group.

I ask them some questions, attune to their responses, and craft a meditation to support them in bathing their heart.

With this being such a wild and turbulent and painful time for many, I’ve been needing to do a lot of heart bathing lately.