25 Oct Free and discounted resources
One of my favorite things to do is mentor people.
It’s also one of the fundamental attachment needs we all have from early infancy until later in life. It was a missing link in my growing up which is why I actively sought out years of mentoring from people like Bessel van der Kolk, Janina Fisher, Dan Brown, Richard Schwartz, Frank Corrigan, and Pat Ogden ….
Recently I’ve had a number of people asking for ways to get certified in Safely Embodied skills and in the Transformational Model I teach, especially the 8 Fundamental Attachment Needs that I first discovered during my 13-year training with Dan Brown on attachment theory, and subsequently developed further.
I've led certification trainings and workshops since the late 90s. Loved every minute of them!
Yet as I prep for an upcoming sabbatical I decided to simplify just about everything!
At the same time, I'm committed to helping you take the steps you want and need to make your healing as simple and uncomplicated as possible.
I've seen it's possible — in my own life, with the clients I've worked with for days or decades, and with coaching clients and groups.
In my personal and professional experience knowing how to transform our normal, natural “neediness” into the basis of a solid, secure, steady self has been invaluable.
Developing the BSE skills, using the Transformational Model, and healing shame with the 8 Fundamental Attachment Needs makes the difference:
1. Trains you to see triggers as guidance
2. Allows healing time to shift more easily
3. Reduces the intensity of shame
4. Among so many other great benefits
I wasn't able to go to the 2022 Compassionate Mind Foundation conference in Edinburgh but was honored to see my work continue to thrive there and in so many other professional spheres.
There are lots of ways to learn, for free and also through our affordable products and courses. Here's a sampling:
Subscribe to my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/DeirdreFay, to keep up with my latest free videos. Here are two:
1. Pivot Point in Healing
2. Processing
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook
Instagram: @dfaypics
Facebook: www.facebook.com/healingattachment
Receive one of my FREE offerings:
The Safe Guide to Heal Trauma and Attachment
Find Your Path Home to Yourself