15 Apr It’s Only With the Heart That You Find Your Way Home
There’s a cultural notion that we get older, more decrepit, less able over time.
In some ways it’s true. Our bones are more fragile, our joints may hurt more. We’re less mobile perhaps. Weight cushions us more.
Yet, despite all that, something flourishes.
Aging isn’t or doesn’t have to be a downhill drop into pain, loneliness, nothingness.
It is a re-creation. If we’ve been engaging with the circumstances that life has thrown at us, something miraculous can occur.
Some of you have heard me say something similar about healing: Trauma is a modern day Bodhisattva training.
Aging. Traumas of any kind. Relationship wounds.
All can be pointers to something missing … and show us the way home to ourselves.
Granted, our culture, our society doesn’t map out those signposts.
Yet, they’re there. If we attune. It's only with the heart that we find our way home.
We leave behind the shackles of who we are supposed to be…
So we can return to ourselves.
It’s as though our authentic Self has been waiting for us, patiently, compassionately, while we exhausted ourselves in trying to be who we thought we should be.
Trying to find ways to be loved. Feel secure.
Reaching (sometimes desperately) for the outside to fill us.
Or maybe denying what’s there, discarding it, dismissing it, rejecting it, caught in reactivity…
Then there comes a time, a moment maybe, when our heart, left out of our life equation, will no longer sit by quietly.
It’s as though our soul says, “Ok. Enough of this.”
Time to stop playing hide and seek.
Time to be found. It’s time to connect with who you have always been.
It’s as though your soul is letting you know it’s been waiting a long, long time, missing us, wanting to find time to play together again.
That’s when the magic begins.
It is the true yoga.
Yoga meaning union, remembering.
We remember who we are. Who we have always been deep inside.