Miracles of Everyday Life

Miracles of Everyday Life

Last night I boarded an overnight flight from Boston to Heathrow en route to Scotland where I'm leading a workshop tomorrow.   I don't usually like flying overnight if I can avoid it.  I had parts grumbling anticipating the flight.

As I listened to my internal grumbles and whining I caught myself and determined to shift my own reactivity.  What would it be like if I found things to enjoy about it instead of whining?  What if I looked for things to delight me along the way?  What if I landed in Heathrow rested and refreshed instead of crabby?

That created an opening.  The flight wasn't crowded.  I could spread out.  I slept some. 

The miracle came though as the morning dawned.  A little sliver of red on the horizon.  We flew into the rim of fire and it grew and grew.  The dawn was coming, arising right in front of me. 

It's dumbfounding to see the incredible gift of an everyday occurence from a different perspective.  How amazing to see this dawning.  This happens everyday.  We can count on it.  Yet I take it consistently for granted. 

Sitting there, stunned by the beauty I found myself grateful for these exact circumstances of life that gave me this moment of beauty, this perspective change.