Inspiration Experiment

Inspiration Experiment

This isn't, of course, to downplay our need to be deeply heard and witnessed in what hurts.  But perhaps if we balance what hurts with what is meaningful and inspirational, perhaps then we'll have some room to breathe. 
As usual, you know I love hearing your stories.  I'd love to read your comments. You don't have to write your “real” name — you could be “Anonymous” or come up with a nickname.  Whatever way you feel comfortable, I enjoy having this dialogue with you. 


woes, which there are many of — but to listen for the stories that inspire you, that motivate you, that invite you to live more fully and powerfully alive?to it's manyLet's each take time this month to be inspired, to look around us, to listen to others, to reach for inspiration.  What would it be like if you were to respond to the world not only by paying attention