25 Jan Deb Koffman’s “Love-Hate” Art Installation
The artist, Deb Koffman, created this installation “Love-Hate.” I'm a big fan of all of her work which takes internal dynamics and makes them visually compelling.
I love the shift in perspective that the outside words indicate. Turn the dial and you can have a different perspective – a different response to whatever is in the middle.
Orienting from the “resist” perspective we resist and fight against what's in the middle of the circle.
Turn the dial only slightly and we are orienting from the “Honor” perspective. Quite a different point of view, isn't it?
What a thoughtful way to explore whatever is in the middle of our attention. I'm thinking of a conversation I need to have with a colleague. Sitting with it in meditation today I found myself weaving through all kinds of parts inside, moving through the cycle. I was aware of parts that were judging her, other parts judging me, parts resisting, honoring, appreciating her perspective, annoyed by having to have the conversation, grateful for having to have the conversation.
Deb Koffman's art installtion gives a graphic description of what goes on inside us as different parts have different responses.
Who is the one who is watching the play of parts/feelings inside?
Taking a step back from the circle we can contact our own sense of self, which in Internal Family Systems language is “self energy.”
Practice stepping back from your own circle.
Who do you encounter inside you.
Notice as you step back if you are experiencing any of the love-hate circle. If so, separate from those parts, step back, and find your own self energy. In IFS language, self energy is composed of qualities like calmness, curiosity, clarity, compassion, confidence, creativity, courage, and connectedness. You might have others you want to add to that mix: authenticity, generosity, kindness. The list can go on.
As you feel even a tiny bit of any of those positive qualities notice the difference in your experience toward whatever you have in the center of your attentional circle.