Becoming Safely Attached Workshop / Dublin, Ireland / May 21 & 22, 2011

Becoming Safely Attached Workshop / Dublin, Ireland / May 21 & 22, 2011

     We all want to grow, change, become.

     We all want the safe cocoon in which to develop.


You’ve probably done a great deal of work on yourself, with yourself.     Yet, still there are times when you feel stuck, caught in a loop, unable to make the changes you want in your life.

If you’re like me, those are the times when you feel an uprising of disappointment, worry that things won’t change — that they can’t fundamentally change.

We all hope for the “Magic Cure” or  that “7 Steps to A New Life.”   If you’re looking for that then I need to let you know upfront, this is not the workshop for you.

This workshop is less of a “how-to” guide.

It’s about the incredible privilege it is to be with other people on the journey.

It’s about providing sacred space for unfolding, for becoming.

It’s about the deep witnessing that comes from encountering the deepest patterns of our lives with love, kindness, support and the wisdom that comes from having learned from the important theories of our field.

We’ll look at the latest generation of attachment theory woven together, especially those of  Peter Fonagy, Giovanni Liotti, and Daniel Brown.  We’ll explore what happens when we courageously unravel the crippling effects of shame  based on the work on Linda Hartling, Brene Brown and others.

I know that I would love to have you there with us as we take this journey together.

For more information or to register contact Pauline Beegan by clicking here.