29 Apr Nothing to Fix or Change
todays blog is from a good friend of mine , MJ Delekta, ho also happens to run a lovely yoga and Qi Gong Studio in Martha's Vineyard, MA. If by chance you want some retreat or peaceful time this summer you might want to explore taking one of her yoga classes or workshops.
What would your life be like if you accepted yourself in this moment just as you are. Letting all the conversations in your head settle down and just “being”. Can you free up energy to resonate with your life as it unfolds in each moment? Hmmm, you ask? How will I pay my bills, do the chores, go to work?
I'm simply suggesting that you bring attention to your life. Step fully into its essence. When you are always trying to change or fix yourself you live in the past or jump over the present to a futuristic imagined fantasy. Consider stepping into this Springtime in celebration of your perfection. Making choices in each moment that clarify and nurture this unity and oneness that is at the core of who you are.
OK, you're ready? Where do you begin? How about observing the bursting forth of color and life all around you? Or, go for a walk and sing with the breezes and shine with the sun. It's that simple. Some of us may need a spiritual practice or a supportive container to explore in. Consider connecting with others and come together weekly to support a deep listening. Or contact someone you trust to facilitate a meditative inquiry around what you don't need to carry around anymore. Free up your energy and may you live well this Springtime.