25 Sep Give Yourself Time To Flourish Sept 29-30, 2012
Give Yourself Time To Flourish
Virtual Retreat Sept 29-30, 2012
Life is full. There are so many things to do.
In the middle of all of that we also want to feel good. We want to connect to who we are and the kind of life we want to live.
Do you give yourself the time to be in touch with yourself?
Do you create time and space so you can cultivate who you want to be?
Taking small increments of time during a period of time helps us learn to shift our perspective. We take the steps to change the habitual habits of mind that keep us stuck. That's the whole point of this Virtual Retreat:
- Time out to find a calm place within the storms of life
- Practices to retrain your body, mind, heart
- Space to ask questions and get practical, concrete guidance on how to get unstuck
This past weekend I spent a day in Glasgow, Scotland with clients and their therapists using the Embodied Practices. What works for one person might not work as easily for another person. Luckily there are endless practices which can be uniquely designed to support you.
Underneath the complications of life is a river of goodness that flows. When we learn to listen to that quiet, gentle goodness that lives inside each of us we find our path home to ourselves.
That's the goal of this Virtual Retreat to help you listen to the guidance that is already written on your heart
I invite you to join me in taking some time to listen. To reflect. To explore the path to living in your heart, body and mind with gentleness, calm, and confidence.
There is a fee which covers the operational cost of producing the four calls ($65). If you can only attend a few of the four calls or if money is a problem feel free to pay less ($45).
If it feels right to you, I'd love to have you join me. To find out more or to register click here