08 Dec Nourishing the Heart – Audio Meditation
It's a busy season. I hear from people how tired, overwhelmed, confused, upset they are.
I kept thinking is there something I can do to support you as you walk through this cycle of time. What helps?
It became clear to me that many people are needing nourishment, needing to be filled, to remember their connection to the larger forces for goodness and kindness that are always available to us. When we're anxious or overwhelmed it's as though those invisible pathways get clouded over and we can't find out way to them.
The mystical traditions that have a strong and steady connection to the source of love, to the Divine have been practicing and fine tuning access to the fountain of love over thousands of years. It helps during a busy season to pause and replenish our hearts. This meditation of Remembrance is taken from the mystical traditions given to to you as a gift to help you replenish your heart, your connection to the true goodness which is your source.
With that in mind I created a short audio to offer a bit of love and kindness to you. I wanted to find a way to provide some nourishment for you. If it helps let me know by commenting below. If there's something that I can change to make it even better let me know that as well.
Click on the link below and it will bring up a separate page where the audio link will be.