Geranium Project – Join In. Request Your Own Teacher Geranium

Geranium Project – Join In. Request Your Own Teacher Geranium

This weekend was Mother's Day in the United States.  A day to celebrate care, care-giving, kindness of mothers.  A group of us spent two days drinking in goodness, love, kindness.  We practiced turning toward what we want instead of staying stuck in the patterns designed to give us protection.  We explored the Embodied Attachment of connecting to the source of our confidence, trust, care and allowed ourselves to be nourished by that.

In honor of one of my great teachers, the beautiful geranium in my office, I asked master gardener Amy Murphy who writes the blog Of Gardens to put together baby geraniums for the group to take with them.  I wanted them to have this extraordinary teacher right there with them all the time.

Unbeknownst to me, Amy has had a Geranium Project where she's been giving away geraniums over the years.

It was after one of these experiences when the plant just did not die that I began to look at her differently. Perhaps she wasn’t common, splashy, or easy. Perhaps she was rare and unique. She was unique in my life being the only geranium I had ever owned. And her behavoir was certainly rare. She never complained, she suffered semi-constant abuse at my hands, but she always came back for more. Given just the barest modicum of TLC and she would bloom and grow and be so beautiful even calloused workmen who saw her in my kitchen commented on how beautiful she was. Who could ask for a better companion! I wanted others to experience the joy of owning such a plant. The Geranium Project was born.


Geranium Project

The best part of this is you can be the beneficiary of your own geranium, courtesy of the Geranium Project.

To celebrate these events I would like to offer a geranium cutting to any reader who would like one. If you would like to participate in The Geranium Project by receiving and nurturing a geranium of your own (and perhaps one day of propagating them and spreading the joy), please tell me and I will send you a cutting.

Happy Mother’s Day. We can all be mothers of something, even if it is a geranium.

for more information and to request your own geranium go to the blog Of Gardens