11 Aug Interview with Deirdre Fay on Healing Overwhelming Emotions
Last week I was a guest on Craig Merriweather's The Mastermind Show where he has conversations with leading experts in mind, body, and spiritual transformation. Craig inspires me with his dedication and commitment to life. As he writes,
From the time I was a teenager to just a few years ago, I suffered with depression. For 25 years I searched for an effective way to end the vague but unrelenting mental and emotional pain. But year after year I slowly descended into darkness until I woke up one morning 3 years ago and I knew that I just couldn’t make it through another day. It had to end one way or another. I was tired of my life. Failing to go through with a planned suicide, I committed to getting out of depression and to turn my life around. It was time to end the hold depression had on my life.
And so I began the hardest work of my life. I had no health insurance and no money. However, what I did have was determination. So I researched, studied and worked my way through self-sabotage, anger and negative thought patterns. There were a lot of successes, a lot of mistakes and I hit a lot of walls but I did it. I ended my depression.
And if I can do it…then anyone can.
It's an honor to support people in the trenches in any way. Talking with Craig I knew I was talking with people who know about suffering and yet are determined to find a way through with grace, love, kindness, and generosity of spirit. Truly, I think this is an example of the next phase of healing that will continue to make it easier for all of us.
Click below to hear the audio:
[audio:https://dfay.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Deirdre-Fay.mp3]To download a copy of the audio right click to save: Kimberly Schneider Podcast