30 Dec 3 Simple Ways to Ease Anxiety
Facts about Anxiety:
- Affects about one-third of people during their lives
- Ninth leading cause of global disability
Knowing this, I was interested in a recent article I read about a novel huggable “haptic” interface.
Researchers are studying the subsystem of nonverbal communication that conveys meaning through physical contact, especially those produced by electronic devices.
That reminded me of the chair Dr. Temple Grandin designed that I saw at a 2015 talk & exhibit at the Media Lab at MIT.
It got me wondering….
With all the hoopla about holiday shopping and gifts what if….
What if…instead of giving physical objects we gave “Hug Gift Certificates”?
Just a card to someone, letting them know they have 1, 2, 3, 4….10, or more (!) hugs coming to them this next year from you.
What are YOUR creative gifts that would give love, compassion, kindness, and goodness to yourself or others without it being all about money or more “STUFF”?