22 Jul “I couldn’t relate to the feelings, to sensations.”
No matter how hard we try to manage it—-stuff comes up.
Despite all we’ve learned, trained in, all the life experience and the degrees we have, it’s inescapable…we encounter turbulence and triggers.
It’s why I am inspired by Rev. Dr. Dawn L. Britt.
A minister, with a Doctorate in Ministry focusing on childhood trauma, Dawn recently had trauma wounds “blow up” in her world.
She joined our group in 2021 and also started exploring the Becoming Safely Embodied course…and in her words:
“I couldn't relate to the feelings, to sensations. I didn't know what those were because I had been so shut off from my body and the world at large. I just delved in, jumped in with both feet attending meetings that we had twice monthly, I listened to other people and practiced…”
Recently, seeing Dawn on a coaching call, I thought — Wow. Something is different. What happened?
As Dawn later shared with me on this video, she put the Becoming Safely Embodied skills into practice.
And voila!
Dawn went from simply understanding the skills intellectually to translating the theory into practice…to have a better life:
“…now I understand this process is truly integrating, my mind, body, spirit… which is interesting because my dissertation was all on this. I knew it intellectually, but I didn't know it in my soul in my heart.”
How’d she do it? We talk about it in the video:
“In your book and [coaching] groups you are helping people retrain and change their life patterns to something new…to flourish and to be empowered to make the best choices versus just hoping, wishing things will change.”
Check out the video on YouTube — then leave a comment thanking Dawn for sharing her story!