21 Mar BSE 3-week No Cost Mini-Course
The Becoming Safely Embodied 3-week mini-course has concluded and is no longer available.
The Becoming Safely Embodied Skills Course has step by step tools to untangle the distress of life to begin freeing up the distortions and turmoil that are the result of a complicated life history.
These skills have been honed over many years and are now used by people throughout the world.
If you’re all interested or curious you could check out the 3-week free mini-course that I am giving away. I tend to have way more material than can fit into a course, so this year I decided to give away what I consider the most fundamental parts of the course. I’d love to have you join us.
It’s easy and simple.
Each week (starting Friday, March 23, 2012) for three weeks you’ll get:
- an email with an audio
- a link to download handouts for you
- a link to an online, private blog for people to interact with me.
It's all yours to use at a time that works for you.
It’s all free.
Here's more of the details of what will be in the BSE 3 week mini-course:
Friday, March 23rd
Meditation: The Two Most Important Skills You Can Have In Healing
This hour long audio has been a perennial favorite exploring how important mindfulness and concentration practices are the most important skills you can cultivate on any healing journey. All the material comes from what I learned over the last 30 years meditating when my trauma history came up. Then taking what I learned I started to teach many, many people around the world the benefits that can come from a skillful adaptation of meditation with when trauma and attachment issues are involved.
Friday, March 30th
We'll explore how important it is to belong – to yourself and to the world around you. Many people have the horrible experience of feeling unseen, unknown, invisible, lost. The module for this week is to explore how and where we belong. We'll look at whether that's nourishing and if it's not, how can you shift your belongingness so you can live in your skin, welcomed by us, by the world into your life.
Saturday, April 7
Principles of Becoming Safely Embodied
I'll be taking your questions, comments, concerns about being safely embodied and weaving it together with what I have learned and developed about the subject over the past 30 years.
To get you started here's a short video I put together on how change happens. It's on youtube. Click here to see how change happens.
I hope you'll join me.