Self-Compassion Break

Self-Compassion Break


Okay, this is  suffering

Other people feel this way. 

May I be kind.  May we all be kind.

Simple words.  I know.  Yet as we practice them over and over and over again we begin to cultivate self-compassion.

Meditation teacher and psychologist Chris Germer suggests we do this practice multiple times a day.

Any time there’s suffering, stop.  Pause.  Offer yourself self-compassion.

This is a moment of suffering.

Acknowledge what you are living in right now, a moment of suffering. Feel your connection to more people.  Come of isolation.  Recognize there are others in the world who are also suffering:

Other people feel this way. 

In the reality of suffering, knowing that you’re not alone, soften into your heart, offering yourself a blessing:

May I be kind.  May we all be kind. 

May I be free of suffering.  May we all be free of suffering.