Amy Weintraub’s 2015 KYTA Keynote

Amy Weintraub’s 2015 KYTA Keynote

Simple Practices to start the New Year off right:  Lesson's learned from Amy Weintraub and LifeForce Yoga


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The new calendar rolls around.  Time to make some changes, right?  Well, here are some helpful practices that I've learned from Amy Weintraub one of my main yoga teachers over the past 30 years.

Finding Your True Path

Amy recently posted an inquiry practice on Finding Your True Path.  That could be an excellent place to start.

Amy's KYTA Keynote on Healing Trauma

I also asked Amy if I could edit and share with you some of her excellent keynote that she gave at the Kripalu Yoga Teacher's Association annual conference that I went to this fall.  It was a fascinating perspective on the yogic healing of trauma. I loved the talk but as it was too long to share with you I shortened it to give you some of the experiential pieces to practice on your own.

It's here, below.

And if you are wanting some research on what helps us to be successful in keeping our resolutions, here's an interesting article.

As always I love hearing from you.  How are you starting off the New Year?  What practices help you?