27 Nov Let go of everything, even the antidote
There are polarities to everything. Opposites are inescapable in our dualistic world.
Where there’s one thing, there’s always another.
It’s the way with our spiritual seeking as well, which is why there’s a teaching: self-liberate even the antidote.
Let’s say we’re stuck.
And we finally find something that helps us get unstuck.
Even that, the antidote is something to let go of. To self-liberate.
This points to the truth behind the truth.
Meaning there are layers to this. First is the experience. Then the layer of how we respond to the experience. And then our reaction to that.
Which actually be a good thing. Say we’re triggered and we find something to ease the trigger.
Isn’t that a good thing?
And if we cling to the antidote, whatever it is that eased the trigger, that’s what we have to release again. That’s what we need to self-liberate.
Ahhhh. Maybe our task is just to notice the layering of thoughts and feelings…..
How do you deal with the many layers of polarities?