More Pattern Interruptus

More Pattern Interruptus

Odd, isn't it?

I just had the fourth conversation with a client who wants to leave their therapist.  I need to consult with an astrology to find out if there's something going on in the astral plane.  (Here's the link for the last blog post I did on Pattern-Interruptus.)

Of the four people it seemed best for three of them to go back to their therapist and “work it out.”  Those three people had good relationships with their therapist – they just got scared and high-tailed it out of the therapy. 

That's what some of us so when we get scared in any relationship.  The others of us hang in there, doggedly trying to work it out.   

Now there are also therapists who, when getting calls like this from people who are ready to high-tail it, would have scooped these lovely people up for their practice. 

I'm not saying that cuz I'm holier than thou.  Frankly, it's hard to resist the pull to be the “good therapist” who will triumph when others failed. 

Problem is, though, the patterns of our lives come forward no matter who we are with.  The question always is, what is the best thing for the client? 

And there's no easy answer to that question. 

Sometimes, as with any relationship, it's right to leave the therapy/relationship and feel the power of being able to walk away, to say no, to shift a pattern by leaving.

Sometimes it's important to stay, to sit with the discomfort, to explore what is going on, to learn how to be vulnerable in the face of the discomfort and terror of connection.

The only way to know what's right for any of is, is to know our pattern.  To see how that pattern(s) shows up — everywhere. 

We need to know that pattern.  

We need to sit with the longing, the need (yes, I can hear some of you groaning….), the deep wants and wishes that are involved in those patterns. 

We need to know the cycles of shame and worthlessness we fall into. 

The more we know — not just in our heads, not just understanding it, but knowing in a full body way the more informed choices we can make when the pattern trips us in our lives.

I've been inspired to put together an audio and another fun, informative presentation.  I have them almost done but things are moving a bit faster than I though.  If you want to more information on attachment and how to interrupt your patterns you might want to consider subscribing to the blog.  You do that somewhere up above on the top menu line.

Becoming Safely Attached Workshop, March 12 & 13 (Boston)

All this has been backdrop in my life as I created a workshop, Becoming Safely Attached, which I'm holding March 12 & 13 in the Boston area. 

These are the issues that perplex us all.  None of us are immune to shame, worthlessness, or the patterns and strategies that we form to buffer us from the storm. 

I have room for about 15-20 people in the workshop. 

10 of those spots are already taken by people who have heard me talk off the cuff about it.  I had no idea if it would fill up but it looks like it will.  I never know about these things. 

Sometime next week I'll send out some information and probably list it in my ezine.  If you are interested, let me know.  I would love to include you if it is right for you.  

Just like these people I've written about in Pattern Interruptus sometimes it's right to take a workshop like this, sometimes it's not.  I really trust you'll do what's right for you, whether it's joining us — or not joining us.   If it helps,  I do know the people who are coming are really wonderful and I'm delighted to share my weekend/workshop with them. 

If you want more information click here to see the web page I put together.  This is all moving a bit quickly so I haven't even put up a link to pay online.  I'll get to that soon.  There are also other payment options on the webpage.   I'll get to the pay-through-the net soon. 

As always, email me if you have questions or concerns.