29 Sep Are you Emerging?
We are always emerging.
Never perfect. Never finished.
We make mistakes. Screw things up.
Make a mess. Make many messes.
We carry our past but it doesn't have to define us.
Life, prana, is flowing through us, nudging us, cajoling us to let go, release what isn't nurturing…so more can emerge.
That is, however, where we all stumble.
Being in the unknown throws us off our stride.
Confusing us. Disorienting us.
And the siren call of all we've known before, all the threat signaling, goes on high alert.
The beauty that's woven into the intersection of attachment theory and the wisdom traditions reminds us: our threats, our protests, are not the place to stop.
They are designed to reorient us away from the threat, away from what's wrong, to explore new ground.
These crazy times make it harder to listen, see, sense the perfume of presence. But it's always there, waiting, patient, attuning.
Yves Klein's statue captivated me in the museum. First the blue, then the shadow. But mostly the chest open, being led forward.
May your heart guide you through the muck of life as you emerge.