We Can Change

We Can Change

I’m doing a lot of reading and learning as I prepare to bring the Becoming Safely Embodied Skills into an online format.  In the last few years I have been fascinated with the new thinking and research on brain development and neuroplasticity.  Huh?  Basically that means that the brain can change – we can change.

What that means for those with a trauma history prone to patterns of depression, anxiety, fear, terror, distress – it means we can change those patterns.  It is so absolutely important not to get defined by these patterns.  If we do, we’re stuck.

What’s possible though is to live the life we want to live.  You can change.  The distress you are in can be adjusted and shifted.

Where does this lead?  Practice (smile!)  Yes, the more we practice something new and different the more we are changing and altering our own internal experience.

That’s why I’m always looking for new ways to reinforce new patterns.  The Safely Embodied Online Community is one way to do that and the new Becoming Safely Embodied Basic Skills Course will do the same.