12 Sep Healing the Missing Link
Over the past years I've stumbled, almost by accident, across a missing ingredient in healing trauma and attachment wounding.
Underneath the trauma reactivity and physiological arousal, underneath repairing the attachment wounds, there's a doorway into building a positive self-structure.
As therapists we tend to overlook this, bypassing it, focusing more on the obviously distracting physiological and life disruptions people have.
Now, this is where it gets exciting.
When we add in the component of working with the underlying self structure and support its emergence wonderful things start to happen to our client and in the therapy hour.
As the positive self structure is cultivated and enhanced our clients have a greater capacity to live with the turmoil of every day.
More importantly our clients find that they have an enhanced ability to navigate complicated interpersonal or historical re-enactments which gives them enormous satisfaction and confidence.
There are a few spots left in the Glasgow, Scotland Loving Your Broken Heart workshop that I’m leading next weekend, Sept 21-22, 2012. I would love having you there to share this material which has me excited and offers a way to reinvigorate the healing process. For more information or to register email Marie Gibson.