Year End Compassion Gifts for You

Year End Compassion Gifts for You

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Holiday seasons can bring up a whole range of feelings.  For some people holidays can bring joy, others are left feeling alone and sad.  As the year comes to a close I realized my wish continues to be simple:  How can I help you in your healing journey?

With that in mind I wanted to offer you something that might help you take steps toward a better present and a more nourishing future.  The best way I can do that is to offer you a practice that was included in the Embodied Practices Course that recently ended.

May it support you as you walk through your life.  May your heart be eased.

As always, I'm glad to support you in nurturing your heart and your life,



Internalizing Compassion  Audio Practice

This practice provides a way to take into your body, mind, and heart the qualities of compassion you want to cultivate, filling your core and then showering your being with the very essence of compassion.

 Preparation:   A beautiful way to start this is to gather around you pictures, mementos, magazine an object or objects that symbolize or represent compassion to you.  It might be the picture of a dog, or a family member, or a spiritual icon.  It might be pictures of nature or something you created or a piece of art that evokes the sense of compassion.  It can also be a drawing or collage of words, shapes, drawings, images that you put together.  The important thing here to is have a clear sense of what compassion means to you.  The guided meditation will lead you through a way of seeing compassion outside of you and then internalizing those qualities.

 Click here for an audio leading you through the practice