Interrupting our destructive emotions

Interrupting our destructive emotions


Every courageous gesture we make, whether or not we think it's successful, definitely imprints our mind in a positive way.  The slightest willingness to interrupt our old habits predisposes us to greater bravery, greater strength, and greater empathy for others.  No matter how trapped we feel, we can always be of benefit.  How?  By interrupting our defeatist story lines and working intelligently and wisely with our kleshas (destructive emotions.)

~Pema Chodrin

I found this quote which I wanted to share with you.

The struggle to get unstuck and become free of old habitual patterns can feel lonely and isolating. We doubt it's possible. We feel the despair of ever changing. Yet it's through slow, steady, repatterning, remapping ourselves, choice point by choice point that we take the baby steps to where we want to go.

It's possible to change and intervene with these negative patterns. We absolutely can do that.  Each time we make a shift the next baby step, the next choice point comes easier.

As Shantideva says, “No need to say that I will not lose heart”

Losing heart is part of the process. We need a community of people committed to their own healing and freedom to support us in our times of disconnect and despair.

It's all part of what motivates me to continue to find answers and look for ways to support you.  The Becoming Safely Embodied Skills have helped many people, well in the thousands, all over the world at this point.  If you feel it would be a service to you I would welcome the chance to share the skills with you.