As easy as learning to ride a bike? It takes learning, unlearning, relearning over and over

As easy as learning to ride a bike? It takes learning, unlearning, relearning over and over


Learning to ride a backwards bike takes time to unlearn the neurobiological biases already wired.  Then shift and ride a normal bike there’s another learning undoing that has to happen.

It’s also true with the healing process.

Our perceptual lens has us experience the world from our Internal Working Model. We think we’re stuck, doomed to live a life that isn’t satisfying.  But — like Destin in the video above, we can learn to change our representation of the world to have a more satisfying and nourishing life.

Want to find out how?

Check out the Trauma, Attachment, and Yoga seminar series I’m running for professionals that starts in the fall.

Changing patterns can happen.

And it takes practice, practice, practice. Which may be why you’d like to join us for the experiential Trauma, Attachment & Yoga professional seminar series designed to support you in reawakening, returning, remembering, and expressing your alive heart and Self.