Transforming Paralysis and Tragedy into Yoga: Matthew Sanford

Transforming Paralysis and Tragedy into Yoga: Matthew Sanford

(Today's blog post is contributed by Anne Hallward, that many of you might know as “Dr. Anne from Safe Space Radio.”  She recently did an interview with Matthew Sanford and wanted to spread the word of his incredible wisdom.)I want to introduce you to someone I think will be a joy for you to know about.  He is Matthew Sanford, a yoga teacher paralyzed from the chest down by a car accident that killed his father and sister. 

Matthew  specializes in teaching yoga to those who has suffered trauma, from the able-bodied, to veterans, to the physically disabled.  The author of Waking, a Memoir of Trauma and Transcendance  is an extraordinary teacher, speaker and writer.  

For those of you in the Boston area he will be in town the weekend of March18-20 to give a yoga workshop.  On the friday evening, March 18th,  he is giving a talk about trauma and yoga that I am confident will be incredible. 

Part of Matthew's inspiring story is how he used yoga to be present to the silent sensation of his paralyzed body in a way that moved me deeply.  I think you will also find him inspiring which is why I'm writing.  If you want to come to the talk here is the link to it: click here.    The  talk is from 7-9pm called Trauma, Healing, and the Heart of Yoga: A talk with Matthew.

To hear the interview I did with him on Safe Space Radio click here.